New graphics card kapputt? (Solved)?

- in Hardware

The question itself is below.

My complete system has survived the bang. (Net the power supply) Maybe I'll calm down with others who have the same problem.

I've got a new 700 w (bequite 80silver) installed and everything was as usual

I got a cheap gamer PC for 300 euro. Has good values: 16GB RAM ddr3, 2tb hdd, good motherboard (even csgo) does not have a video card, good case, CD drive, and so much stuff,

NOW I've ordered a really good graphics card (redeon AMD 570 or so, 8GB vddr5 memory for 200 euro.) Of course, immediately installed, with fortnite tested (I play this only because my friends have no games) 70fps (previously 20fps at 720P) ultra1920p and 1 minute later PC crashed (did not play at all) turned back on normal started fortnite opened up PENG and the lights were off. (I almost had a heart attack because I had several liters of coffee in the last few days) fuse went out and Power supply stunk. (Only in my room the backup has jumped)

I was totally shocked at first because I'm 14 and spent almost all my money


Do I have to worry that my PC is over or only the power supply (400w cheap power supply)?

If the power supply has shrunk the entire PC, I would like to know who pays me. (the Chinese with the PC completely set the PC set or even the graphics card or alternatively paid the graphics card?

If only the power supply is broken, this time I could get a branded power supply. Max 70 euro. 500w should be enough.

My PC has consumed 150 w max, because I thought no graphics card needs 250w. The popping me but then taught something else.

I would just like to know my "chances of survival". The chinaböller (also called power supply) is 100% over. I'm really only interested in the graphics card because it is new.


No graphics card consumes 250W? Oh, of course, graphics cards are so high and even higher when you use them fully.

400 and even 500 watts is bad. Well, I have a 1080 Ti but I'm partly worried about my 650W power supply.

You already said "cheap power supply" even from the Chinese? I would start praying in your place right now. Buy a new PSU and build it.

maybe something will work.

If you have grilled your entire PC, I almost believe that you will stay on the damage.

You just do not buy a cheap PC from a Chinese, then build a graphics card, which is almost as expensive as the PC and there really does not fit.

You can make yourself smart again, whether the warranty for GK and PC attacks under these circumstances.


The cheap power supply was probably overloaded even with the low load of a GTX 1050, since even the most basic protection circuits are missing, probably one of the components has given up the ghost.

I often buy Be Quiet power supplies because they have a good price / performance ratio (depending on the model) and so far nothing bad has ever happened to me. I think a 400 watt power supply should be enough,

A cheap Pure Power PSU with 400 watts is already new for 60 euro, if you still want to save, you can buy an older generation new (Pure Power 8 etc)


Well, I have a 1080 Ti but I'm partly worried about my 650W power supply.

Do you run two of them, or why are you worried? The 1080 Ti consumes only max. 250 watts.


Is not the only thing that is in my PC.

The graphics card does not stand out alone but must match the performance of the other components.


Ok, I have already seen a 500w NT from cool Master at Media Markt. Nevertheless, thanks for the recommendation


On the description of the graka was that she consumes 150w, but you should use a 450w power supply.


On the power supply board, I could only identify a black spot that had burned in there. Condenser or as the hot ones look good, the fuse of the graka is not burnt through. Power is no longer out, I measured it.


Maybe you were lucky, and your components survived


I think that a 600 W NT should be enough for me. Before that he only drew 150 w (measured with a measuring device)


Yes, I hope so, I will report tomorrow when I come back from the Media Markt.


Why do you have anything else inside? A 250 watt CPU, 10 hard drives and 20 fans?


400 watts are enough for the system of the TEs, but this was a China Böller, where for 400 W was not suitable, even if the sticker tells otherwise.


The power supply is probably broken. But even a 200 watt part survives for about 7 minutes and then shuts off due to overheating.

So the PSU was really nice.

The board itself never draws too much power…

The graphics maybe.

But 500 watts should be loose long.


I've got it now a 700 w NT. ALL FUNCTIONS!


Everything is still working.


That pleases me.