I've been looking for a new graphics card for a while now, but just does not know what to look for, because I'm not so familiar with PC's. My buddy, of whom I also bought this tower had told me before I bought the tower, I should possibly install a new graphics card. I really hope you can help me with that. (Price does not matter for the graphics card, I just want to have one with which I can play games too, the higher graphics requirements might include Fortnite, but also World of Tanks with higher graphics)
Here is the Technical Date (if more is needed, just write):
-MSI A68HM GRENADE (MS-7891) Rev 1.0
Chipset: AMD K15 IMC
-Southbridge: AMD A68H FCH
-LPCIO: Fintek F71868AD
-AMD A10-5800K
Package: Socket FM2 (904)
Dimensions: 31.5 x 12.7 x 18 cm
Processor cores: 4
Memory Type: DDR3 SDRAM
-Watt: 100 watts
(Current) graphics card:
AMD Radeon HD 7660D
Board Manuf.: Micro-Star International Co., Ltd. (MSI)
Memory: 1,024 MB
Core clock: 800 MHz
Memory clock: 1,066 MHz
Driver version:
Oha, oha, oha, that does not look good.
The whole part has to be new.
Would not recommend something else, as ne 1050ti for purchase. In the best choice, an AMD RX 570 or 580 will probably be due at the same time a new power supply.
Thank you for your quick response. I'll take a look.
You have an ancient system that should be completely replaced. You probably do not have any money for that?
Then this graphics card makes sense:
Of course you can also screw in a 1000 euro graphics card. Fits too, but can't be used by the gammeligen processor nearly.
I would not spend less money than these 135 euro. Everything that is cheaper, is massively worse. The price-performance ratio of the RX 570 is super good.
It may be that your power adapter is not sufficient for this graphics card. It requires an 8-pin connector from the power supply. That's the best way to try it.
Not much can happen, the PC switches off when the graphics card is loaded, the power adapter is not enough. If it stays on, the power supply is sufficient.
If your power supply is not enough, you can either get a power supply to it, or switch to another graphics card, which is much worse, but requires less power:
If you install a new graphics card there, the processor will directly cause problems next. You have to make a bigger upgrade. If you specify how much you are willing to invest, I can make some suggestions. I'm reluctant to find something, and then it's too expensive in the end.
350 euro Would not be a dream, but a maximum of 500 euro more, because I use the really biggest part only for gaming
Thank you, because I was desperate again, which PSU I need. : 3
The 1050 ti is about half as fast for the same money, so I would think again with the power supply.
Which PSU do you have now? This is usually on the page when you open the PC on the label. Take a picture (upload to http://www.imgur.com)
With RX570 you need a power supply with at least 300W, better 400W.
What do you currently have for a power adapter?
Okay, ok, I'll take a look for the power supply I have.
Does not have the connection, but could work with an adapter. 500W of power are available on paper, though that can actually be provided I can't say. If you really have little money, buy this adapter:
If you can spend a little more, then this PSU:
All right have ordered the GTX 570 and the adapter, but not the power adapter, because I would like to see if my current power supply does it. It would have to be theoretical, but if not, I can still reorder.
I linked a picture in the comment above.