Computer sound just goes away?

- in Hardware

When I play Fortnite games sometimes my keyboard and my mouse just go dark (Storm goes away from the computer). My headset is suddenly out of synonymous but everything only for 10 seconds… Why does the supply of my PC always breaks off? The computer stays on. Only everything related to USB goes out


For me, it looks like your power supply is not getting enough voltage. Especially when gambling power supply consumes more energy, which leads to the low watt power supply to the voltage for USB devices is no longer sufficient and therefore gets a USB connection interruption. Have you perhaps retrofitted a new graphics card that is not enough for your power adapter? If so, you'll have to get a new power adapter or retrofit your old graphics card.


Hmm got me extra a 750 watt power adapter on my Vega 64 graphics card because it should be enough.


Hm… Then maybe USB port is not working properly.


It was about a driver CD, because she was a bit older. Trd.

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