Why does my PC have stutters and still images?

- in Hardware

My PC has stutters and still pictures every now and then when playing GtaV and other games like CSGO and Fortnite. My PC has:

Intel Core I5 7600K 4 × 3.8 GHz
MSI H110M Eco USB 3.0
NVIDIA GeForce GTX1060 6GB
8 GB DDR4 PC-2400
120 GB Sata- ||| SSD

Does anyone have any idea what it could be. I would be very happy to hear from you.


This may be due to your storage, it is a bit tight. There are outsourcing during the game and they act like a system brake

Upgrade to 16 GB and it will get better


It may be because you have too little RAM. Then there may be stuttering. However, your memory can also be full. Have you cleaned your computer and deleted the temp files in the temp folder? Doesn't really make a lot of memory, but maybe it can help.

If I have gone into the memory too much now, I'm very sorry: |


Many thanks for your response. What about my Intel, is it too old or is it clear.


So it doesn't seem outdated to me

You have to watch how far it is loaded against the graphics card during a game. With task manager or something


No I have not deleted yet thanks for the tip.


So if I GtaV or Fortnite games he is usually very high between 70% and 100%


And could you recommend a good SSD to me? Would be very nice because I'm not very familiar with this area.


What should she look like? M.2 board or 2.5 "SSD

So 2.5 "the samsung evo is the best

here 250 GB very cheap


m.2 the transcend


PC part defective? In Insect