How much fps would I have in fortnite with this pc?

- in Hardware

I don't play fortnite but I want to see if I would have more fps with this pc: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G @ 4.0 GHz

16GB DDR4 RAM without RGB lighting


AMD Radeon Vega Graphic

including Windows 10

24 months warranty

Unpack - plug in - get started


Console level, 60 FPS.




Depending on the graphic (8 or 11) you would have about 100 (8) or 105 (11) FPS with Full HD.

(At least according to a benchmark test)


I don't play fortnite but I want to see if I would have more fps with this pc: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G @ 4.0 GHz

More FPS compared to which comparison system?

Due to the lack of their own graphics memory, Vega iGPUs are very dependent on the speed and configuration of the system memory (RAM). With 2 × 8 GB DDR4 - 3000 in dual channel mode, the Ryzen 3 - 3200g + Vega 8 iGPU would probably achieve around 50 to 60 FPS on average with a low to medium preset @ 1080p.