At once less fps in Fortnite?

- in Hardware

For some reason, I've got pretty strong lags in Fortnite. Yesterday, whoever said it, Arena played in Fortnite. And always had 50 people in the endgame between 90 and 200 fps. When I turned on my PC today, I suddenly had lags. Sometimes I got a little FPS displayed but sometimes I just had the feeling that it is 30 fps although 200 were displayed. In addition, I had more often still images. I have not changed anything. Nothing downloaded, no new program, no update in Fortnite. Besides, none of my components is at 100%.

I had something similar schonmal.

I have a few ideas to solve, and it would be nice if you can advise me, because I do not want to spend unnecessarily much money.

In my PC is an i7 6700k + Intel box cooler… I do not know the best but the CPU will not warmer than 60 degrees. Better cooler comes anyway.

A GTX 1070ti from msi

16 gb Ram 1x16 2133Mhz

A streamer I follow almost 240 fps throughout, so much more than me. Also, he does not have any stills and plays in his hires settings than I. (I play at the lowest). It has an i7 6700k, a gtx 980ti & 16gb ram 2x8gb 3200mhz. The CPU is the same, my graphics card is better (in the benchmark)

So, in principle, it can only be the ram, right? A Ramriegel is not really suitable for the game anyway and if it is only 2133 mhz it is a bit bad right?

What is your opinion? I ask for quick answers, as the qualification for the Fortnite World Cup is just now and I have really good chances, but it is unthinkable to play as good players as it is at the moment.


With a monolithic processor like the 6700k, the RAM speed is actually not that crucial, if at all it's a disadvantage that you've only got one DIMM plugged in and the memory only runs in single channel (and thus only just for half the bandwidth) , your settings do not matter, you'll be stuck with a 1070ti at Fortnite anyway in the CPU limit anyway.

It can also simply be on the server or your line.


What exactly is the CPU limit?


In any application limited at some point a component that is nothing fixes and can synonymous of the scene the viewports etc. Depend on most limited in 3D applications, the graphics card (ie The processor would have resources to calculate more frames, but the GPU takes much longer to render the frames).

Fortnite is graphically not very demanding and the 1070ti is a strong card, they could render more frames under warranty but the CPU takes too long to calculate a frame, this is a CPU limit, the processor limits the maximum possible fps.

You'll notice that with you, that you can increase the options & resolution without your fps worsen.


All drivers currently?