I would like to buy a new PC on which I can play Fortnite with at least 160 FPS in medium settings. The PC should cost up to 1000 euro. Unfortunately, I'm almost completely unfamiliar with PCs and therefore need help. I'd love to put one together because I've heard it's best.
Can you help me assemble a good PC for at least 160 FPS to 1000 euro, or send me a link to a finished PC?
Forget the FPS.
https://hardwarerat.de/...0-pro?c=77 better and cheaper than building it yourself at the moment. You can't get to the graphics cards privately
Bargain for your needs!:
For 1000 euro you get a lot more!
Was that meant seriously? A GTX 960 ?! That might be enough for 60 fps, but not more either
Medium settings… A GTX 650 TI Boost even manages 131 FPS with an I7 4770 (without k)
No way
Test it yourself. I did it and it works (Full HD = 1920x1080)
Then take a look at this:
is not an i7 4770k but it wouldn't make a big difference
Here it creates a maximum of 60 fps
You're not doing anything wrong with hardware advice.
At the moment, finished is sometimes even cheaper than building it yourself
Or take a look at it:
Here you can see your great cpu with a GTX 1060. On fhd. Here it can achieve a maximum of 120 fps. What would it look like then with a 960 ?!
No No No We'd better forget that very quickly.
So get there but 800 euro…
Hmm Funny. Check out the vids later