Put together good pc?

- in Hardware

I would like to put together a PC because they are all too overpriced and then put it together, but I do not know it so well. So the pc must have: 16 GB Ram, good graphics card, i7 have and / or generally good graphics card, etc. I could spend a maximum of 1700 euro. Can someone write down all the parts that I need? I would like to play Fortnite on the highest graphics which is possible to play liquid or at least height graphics, but of course other games. Is that possible with this money? I have never done it so I have no plan of that xd


So there are already good ready PCs, such as https://hardwarerat.de/...er=SW10131 from Hardwarerat.de. Then all games in Full HD in Ultra liquid with 60 FPS.

You can of course spend https://hardwarerat.de/...rerat-1700 if you want to play in WQHD with 120 FPS.



Here are pcs for every price level. The thread is constantly updated and is always up to date, since 2006.

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