Fortnite Streched 4k monitor?

- in Hardware

I wanted to try Streched 4: 3 because that should be pretty good. Which resolution should I set best? I have a 4k monitor. Which resolution is best?


Here the complete explanation what when and where where

In practice it is completely senseless if your box is not really lame.

in fact you see less, what you achieve is more FPS.

seems to be just the hype to want to castrate.

my conclusion is: who plays bad will play streched even worse, he sees less, right and left.

that was from times where CS Go ran as a 4: 3 ratio and then you think, ok if it is a bit wider it feels better. But it just looks like an EI placed on the side, so everything circles are then fallen eggs.

for me a real hoax with which one annoys children's brains. Or as a professional just want to annoy the noob. If I have proi as a few% speed then it is worth it, as noob does not help synonymous 10% more FPS or speed. Bad is and remains bad.

the resolution could simply be down and win the FPS. Is it worth it? Not really.


For resolution. If your FPS are low and you do not have just 120 Hz, eh only worth Full HD or less. It all comes down to having high FPS. And for pro players where it comes to really big money is just about any advantage. For Otto normal, it is completely senseless to choose a worse ratio just to look at everything in one form. I could not even bet on it and say, in the past we switched off the graphics and just played with grid. Why, looked bad but it was really fast. But the computers were also worse than bad and the lag was extreme.


So if you have a 4K monitor, it has done something wrong anyway, for playing FullHD is more important at high frames.