Is this an assembly PC?

- in Hardware

I want to assemble my very first gaming pc. And wanted. Ask you if the performance is enough. And how much fps I can get e.g. Fortnite, PUBG and so on. Call games.

-Graphic card RX 570 8GB

Processor Ryzen 3 1200

Power supply: masterkeyslite 400 watt

2x DDR 4 8gb Ram 2400 MHz

Mainboard: MSI B350M


Depends on the graphics settings. Everything in Ultra 60 FPS 4k will probably be net xD


You should definitely use 3000MHz RAM.

Possibly a 500W power supply if you are upgrading.

Don't forget if you ever get a ryzen 2nd / 3rd Generation want to install a bios update.

Find a case with good airflow.

Then this is a PC that is enough and offers many upgrade options.


1080p is enough for me


How much money would the PC cost?


Graphics card RX 570 8GB

- Ryzen 3 12002x DDR 4 8gb Ram 2400 MHz processor

Mainboard: MSI B350M

All that 318 euro


Beginners Gaming.

Still, don't save at the wrong end.

RAM at least 3000 MHz.

Power supply should be a small 400W BeQuiet.

A nice little 1080p PC. Probably no game will fall under good 60FPS, of course considerably more in CS: GO.

SSD and case are still missing.


How much do you want to spend and what about a case and the hard drive?


No, I mean everything in total.


I have a hard disk 1TB


Why a 400 watt power supply from Bequit when mine also has 400 watt.


And what is a case?!

I have an SSD.


400W ChinaBöller can't be compared to a stable BeQuiet.

Case = housing.


Those are these No Names power supplies but mine is relatively a good brand and yes


All good if you think your CoolMaster is completely ok.

Just wanted to point this out to you.

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