Get more subscribers on Youtube?


I'm 13 years old and would like to get bigger on YouTube you may have some tips I'm doing Fortnite assembly at the moment but I'm thinking about making COD assemblies better in COD but that will still take you can give me as many tips as possible give!

And please don't write UHH FORTNITE KIDDIE is unnecessary at the moment


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Made the link away


Yes, I know that my videos are exactly the same as others at the moment, but I don't know why, but it's so extremely fun to cut things and learn new things, so I will probably continue, I won't get much success, but I will have any subscribers who support me


That was not an advertisement but an example. How can you say what the boy can do better when you can't see what he's doing? Hmm?


No matter war just anyway Hate lol can you delete questions like?


Yes, I will still see it because I want to teach it myself because I still enjoy it.


The question can be deleted indirectly. You have to make a support request. Better save yourself that and leave the question online.

Such questions are usually hidden and thus ignored.

Beautiful evening!


Yes OK but where can you delete them


On the PC you have to click on the start page, then on the top right on your profile picture, then click "Help", then on "Contact team".

Select "Delete post" and enter the question link.

Write a nice text and wait, because not all employees are currently employed there.


Thank you


With pleasure.