Is this a possible gaming pc? - 1

- in Hardware

I have this pc five, it has an I 5 with 3.3ghz, the rest please take from the picture it should cost 110 euro

I would increase to 16 GB RAM and install a 1tb hdd and a graphics card vlt a gtx 1050ti or 1060 would like to play fortnite csgo with it would that be possible for me medium settings are enough?

is the price okay and does it work with upgrading and playing fortnite?

Is this a possible gaming pc

For the games you play it would be enough and I would rather get the 1060 6 gb instead of the 1050 but 4 gb ram is really too little 16 gb would be optimal or at least 8 GB you can forget everything below.


Better to save…


Otherwise you need another gpu for 100 euro?


Ne not even a 1060 6gb you get for 100 euro I would save something then get ne 1070


But 120


Yes can be but watch out for 6gb vram


For 90 euro you can talk about it. Depending on the power supply unit, this must be upgraded before a graphics card can be installed.