Buy a gaming PC?

- in Hardware

Moin, I'm currently still playing on my Xbox one and have thought about switching to a PC, as the Xbox is more like an airport than a console.

I also thought about assembling it, but that seems really too difficult to me.

Besides, I don't trust myself to find the right parts for a decent PC together.

By the way, I'm 15 (M)

So, I'm looking for a gaming PC that creates 144fps without drops, i.e. Could actually create over 200 and can maintain solid graphics, i.e. Settings: high in games like Fortnite, for example…

I don't care about the housing, as long as it doesn't look like I have no idea what, you know what I mean, I guess.

Yes, by the way, I would always need a detailed explanation attached to an answer, because unfortunately I'm not very familiar with the subject myself.

So that you can get an idea, I didn't know what GPU and CPU meant until recently.

(That means graphics card and processor, right? 😬😂)

I'm willing to pay up to 2,000 euro like this, but I think that you can get a gaming PC according to my ideas for under / approx / just over 1,000 euro.

So far so good, thanks in advance for every answer🙏
If you want to know more facts / dates / things then just ask👍


Get a ready-made PC. You can forget about assembling it yourself. Hitech has good service and dubaro a relatively good price-performance ratio for the current GPU prices.


I recently got myself a gaming pc. I would advise you to find out what you want because, for example, graphics cards are very, very expensive at the moment

i configured my pc on the dubaro page and bought it, everything is great


Yes, so it is difficult to buy a PC because graphics card prices are completely stupid at the moment, but you can look for finished PCs on amazon or Dubaro that cost 1000 euro - 1500 euro then I can tell you what is good.

You can send me a friend request if you want then we can talk


Look up,

Your korrywurst 😎


For you this one is perfect: you can gamble on it for a few years and it is very easy to care for and later you can upgrade it as you like, if you ever want to


First of all, thank you very much for the answer🙏
Would the PC be able to consistently provide 144fps with high graphics settings?


Yes, in every game where that makes sense at all. With cyberpunk or tomb raider or the microsoft flight simulator, of course, he can't do that, but nobody needs that either! In battlefield, call of duty, fortnite or GTA or any kind of car racing game, that's no problem with the high frame rates over 120. If you're bored, you can overclock the processor and RAM, which, depending on your luck, brings another 10% more efficient.

Gaming PC? - 6 Co Coniferwinter