For some days my mouse ONLY hangs in Fortnite, and the funny thing is that the sounds are hanging in the same moment as the mouse hangs. It's only about 1 second but it's really annoying and it's not fun to play although it rarely happens.
I first thought it was because of my headset so I did the headset times at the ports forward, then I changed the USB port and then I rebooted my game a few times. I do not know why it is or what could be, because the mouse works on the PC I assume that it is not the mouse but Fortnite.
I have the Logitech G402 and the associated software!
I would be very grateful if someone could help me or give me tips on how I could possibly solve this problem.
Times the graphics options down? Updated all drivers?
The graphics option is already quite low and I have my own. Stable 150 fps. Which driver should I update and how does that do not know me so well: /