Mouse wheel g502?

- in Hardware

I bought a Logitevch g502 and activated the mouse wheel reset in Fortnite. I was able to edit very quickly on my old mouse and that is no longer possible for me with the 502, because the mouse wheel only stops turning after about 1 - 2 seconds and that is extremely annoying. Does anyone have suggested solutions that I can dismantle the mouse or it has a fault or something because otherwise it is a good mouse and I can no longer do so well with it, e.g. Edit.


I don't understand what you want to do with it in Fortnite, because I don't play it, but if the scroll wheel is so easy to turn with you, I might have something there.

As the owner of a Logitech G502, I know that the scroll wheel has several functions. In particular when it comes to scrolling, it can rotate or rotate freely using a grid.

When the grid is activated, the scroll wheel only jumps forward step by step. You have to turn the scroll wheel for each step.

When the grid is deactivated, the scroll wheel rotates with a push until it rolls out. Depending on the trigger, it scrolls over several pages.

Deactivation and activation are carried out using a hardware button on top of the mouse, directly behind the scroll wheel and in front of the G9 button.

In the Logitech Gaming Software, you can configure the mouse in a lush way and white.


I have already activated the grid, but I'm used to turning the wheel very quickly and with grid it is also the case for me that I can't play cleverly with it


Unfortunately this is typical for the mouse. Scrolling quickly with a grid, or scrolling across several pages with an activated grid, is not a pleasure with the G502, as the grid is pretty tough. I already had smoother scroll wheels.



