Pc hangs when Fortnite is running in the background and I'm watching videos in explorer?


I have the problem that my PC hangs when I run Fortnite in the background and watch videos in my gallery. If I have only Fortnite open in the background it does not hang up and if I only watch videos in my gallery it does not hang up, only if I do both at the same time. What is the problem and how can I fix it?

Drivers are all up to date and Pc is also very good


Call me your hardware, "PC is also very good" is not enough


Well, the PC can't be very good if it hangs on something so banal.

Post your system specifications, maybe you can recognize a possible cause. Otherwise, it would only guess into the blue, that does not help you.


What exactly do you want to know, RAM and stuff?


What do you want to know?