If you had a question, would it be worth upgrading from a Ryzen 5 2600x to a Ryzen 5 3600x?
Would I play games with more fps in e.g. Fortnite, Forza Horiton 4 etc.
Current specs:
AMD Ryzen 5 2600X
Gskill 32GB RAM
No SSD / HDD only
Is exactly on the limit of a useful upgrade
If you want frames you get the 5600x, because you double the frames to 2600
No, it wouldn't really be worth it.
That would be FPS differences in the range of approx. 2-3% in Full HD.
Not worth it.
The 2600X can easily limit your 1660S.
Would rather upgrade the GPU in the near future.
The upgrade is not worth it. A Ryzen 5 5600x would then be worth it again. Hopefully the RAM will clock at 3000 MHz or more. An SSD still belongs in the system.
Is 2999 ram