Is a Rtx 3070 / RX 6800 and a Ryzen 5 3600X enough for 240fps In Fortnite on Competetive settings and 1080p?

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Is a Rtx 3070 / RX 6800 and a Ryzen 5 3600X enough for 240fps In Fortnite on Competetive settings and 1080p?


Take 5600x and cheaper graphics cards with a b550 board. Best of all, a cheaper amd card will be released soon


Yes, definitely, good choice of components.

However, I would advise you, unless you play eSports at a high level, prefer to use 144 Hz, because if you should no longer play an eSports game at some point, the low image quality will bother you. Speaking from experience, I was also quite successful in Fortnite eSports for a while (1k earnings), but after I had Fortnite acknowledged, it bothered me in other titles with good graphics, especially the not deep blacks. Keep this in mind when choosing