Which pc should I get?

- in Hardware

Due to a lack of knowledge, I'm instructed to buy a finished gaming PC, my budget is 600-700 euro and I wanted to ask if anyone knows a finished PC for the price that packs games like Rust or ARK with a medium setting at 60 fps and fortnite 120 fps even with medium settings down to low?


Build yourself a gaming PC, although I would advise you not to buy the parts now, as graphics card prices have skyrocketed thanks to Corona and are hardly available.


Due to a lack of knowledge, I'm instructed to buy a ready-made gaming PC

Completely wrong attitude. In your case it would be correct:

Due to the lack of interest in building a PC myself, I have to buy a poorly configured and overpriced pre-fabricated PC.

Configuring such a PC shouldn't be a problem, but a lot of the hardware is currently out of print or too expensive.


Gaming PCs ranked upwards in terms of price / performance. Forego 'great' LED decorations in favor of sufficient power.



Building a pc is not particularly difficult. It's like adult Lego. 1-2 tutorials and you've got it. You can also save yourself a lot of money by putting together a Pc. But I would recommend you to wait and see because the price and availability of the PC parts are currently catastrophic.


600-700 euro is unfortunately too little to get a gaming PC that has everything firmly booked. You need to have at least, 1000-1200 euro budget to buy a finished PC. There are a few pieces that are not over 1000 but you have to have at least 800 euro or almost 900 euro to be able to afford a PC at all. Otherwise, I would recommend you to build a PC yourself and that is even less than 1000 euro at most it depends on what kind of graphics card you need or what kind of SSD you need. Or whatever Mainborad you need. It even depends on what kind of pc case you need. Everything depends on you what you want such as the equipment etc…


Built sorry *