Can you build a good 400-500 gaming PC?

- in Hardware

Moin and I wanted to buy a gaming PC but I have no idea about that. Can you put together a good one for 400-500 euro and if so can someone please do it for me? Because as I said, I have no idea about anything like that. Would be nice if you could say the fps values of cod, csgo, valorant and fortnite etc.


Can you build a good 400-500 gaming PC?

Yes. Then there are the costs for the components.


Simply access it here, cheaper than building it yourself and perfectly configured:




Definitely Swiss


In any case, not a Scot.


For 500 euro you can get a PC on which you can play most games in a relaxed manner.
There are plenty of shops that specialize in precisely such requirements. Could recommend one to you, but I don't think so.

Sticking points regarding your question:

new games (especially AAA titles) are released today under enormous time pressure. The cost is then 60 euro and is often alpha. Even people with> 3000 euro machines can't play that kind of thing smoothly because it's just junk that runs quite relaxed a year later
the people with the> 3000 euro machines will always tell you that there are no cheap gaming PCs because they would then have to admit that they have burned coal
Your PC loses half of its value after half a year because the technical development is very fast
the most expensive component when it comes to gaming is the graphics card. Today's CPUs are heavily overpowered - unfortunately they are mostly bored with their X cores

Just think about what exactly you want to do. Then there's a little something for 500 euro ^^


With the budget, it's best to do it like this:

Then take something for 150 euro as a graphics card. A used GTX 1060 6GB or RX 580 8GB are good options.


Or just or all the other shops that build gaming PCs.


You can't give anything on hardware deal at the moment, you should take your site offline, because you can't even come close to building a single PC at the given price. It is understandable that there are hardly any new configurations, but you couldn't even order the last confi because he used goods that were listed but not priced at the price. Hardware council has cheaper computers than screwing it yourself and still has some goods in stock.

HardwareDealz 400 euro pc? Br BreannaSwedish
About pc build? Bo Bomber937