Gaming PC like that?

- in Hardware

So I would like to assemble a new PC soon, the configuration is like this: and since the prices of the graphics cards are immoment so expensive I thought I would do it like this: I get a used graphics card from Ebay classifieds for 25 euro or so, which I can then build into my office PC, then I can at least play Fortnite without stuttering. Then in the fall I'll get this configuration, but without the graphics card, and use the used one. In the next year, when I have money again, I will get an RTX 3060 and have my PC when the prices are back to normal. Does that make sense and you still have improvements for the PC (I'm still looking for an SSD). Please answer the question exactly with a thank you.


If I were you, I would buy a B550 board with PCIe 4.0 in the future.
e.g. Asus B550 A Pro


Yes but first that wasn't my question. Second, I need ARGB headers.


It did.


Ok and the real question?


If you want to play Fortnite without stuttering you need something better than a 25 euro card. I would recommend GTX660 or GTX770 to you. However, I would wait and buy everything together when the time comes. PS: Your question is phrased in a very incomprehensible manner.


For 25, - € it will be difficult to find a graphics card that makes Fortnite run smoothly. A used one, yes you can do it, but you can count on 100 euro so that it also has the appropriate performance.

An RX 480, RX 570 or 580

Or a Geforce GTX 1050 TI. I think that would be one of the cheapest and fortnite manages very well, for their circumstances. Definitely 60fps + on high details.


So would it be more worthwhile to stay on my iCPU which should actually be worse but is better?


Let me put it this way, for 25 euro you will hardly find anything better than finding your iGPU, of course it depends on which one you have there.


Can i tell you that


I would still have a B550 motherboard and 3200 Ram that is cheaper


Yes, but 3600 MHz is better


But the difference is not noticeable with the 3700X. The 3600 is only worthwhile with Zen3