Rtx 2070 super asus suddenly defective?

- in Hardware

Uh The following problem, I built a new PC here, everything went well.

Now played a bit of Fortnite, tested what fps I achieve, etc.

The RAM (crutial Ballistix clocked from 3200mhz to 3600mhz. With 1.35v.) And done a ccmos reset once. And everything went smoothly.

My PC just restarted and I see that. What can I do now? Hardware is 2-3 days old.

The pixels sometimes disappear again, but after I open a game they come back. Driver uninstalled and reinstalled once, and the GPU is no longer displayed in the task manager.

I'll see if it could be the power supply. But after I did a user benchmark everything works, except the gpu which is not displayed.

What I can say, I've sometimes heard such a slight clacking, or fever similar to coil.

And when I gambled for the first time, I was a bit wounded, which is why it was a bit laggy or I didn't have that many fps. And the way it looks like the V RAM of the gpu is defective?

System: Rtx 2070 super asus dual

Ryzen 5 3600

16gb ddr4 3200mhz

B550 gaming plus max

Corsair mp510 240gb

1000gb hdd

550 watt straight power

Corsair icue t220

Artic freezer 34duo

3 fans at the front. Temps were always below 70 degrees according to the Hhomework monitor.

Does the GPU have any damage now? Or why. Or the rtx is from Mediamarkt, I bought it on a single day for 399euro.

If it is the gpu, can I exchange it with mediamarkt?

Since the 14 days are not over yet.


The 14 day right of withdrawal only applies if you shop online. Otherwise it's goodwill from Media Markt. Have you ever tried to reset the BIOS?


I could do that or reset the BIOS. But think that won't do much