Return graphics card to Media Markt?

- in Hardware


The following problem, I built a new PC here, everything went well.

Now played a bit of Fortnite, tested a bit what fps I achieve, etc.

The RAM (crutial Ballistix clocked from 3200mhz to 3600mhz. With 1.35v.) And done a ccmos reset once.

Then I gambled something. And

Suddenly the PC just restarted and had strange pixel errors, gpu is no longer recognized in the task manager despite the driver, the pixels sometimes disappear, but as soon as I open a game the pixel errors come back and the PC restarts.

In userbenchmark everything is recognized and tested except the graphics card which is not recognized.

How does that happen? Is it likely to be defective RAM?

What can I do now? Hardware is 2-3 days old.

System: Rtx 2070 super asus dual

Ryzen 5 3600

16gb ddr4 3200mhz

B550 gaming plus max

Corsair mp510 240gb

1000gb hdd

550 watt straight power

Corsair icue t220

Artic freezer 34duo

3 fans in front. Temps were always below 70 degrees according to the Hhomework monitor.

The rtx is from Mediamarkt, I bought it on a single day for 399euro.

If it is the gpu, can I exchange it with mediamarkt?

Do you also have the 14-day guarantee if you bought the graphics card on site? Or only for online orders?

Wouldn't like to wait a month for a repair

Is just about 4-5 days old. PC has been running since yesterday.


Has already happened to me at Media Markt… Then I brought the graphics card there, it was repaired at Asus and everything was good… ^^


It'll take forever. Or wait wait wait =


Hmm, you could first see if there's a driver problem. So remove the graphics card driver with DDU and then add it again.

Did you also install the chip drivers on your mainboard when building the new one? Windows also likes to iron something smooth after updates that should not be smooth.

But actually look to me that something is wrong with the card.


Maybe you can swap it, you just have to ask… But I think it will be sent in. ^^


Jep driver reinstalled, also deleted, but if not even the gpu is recognized anymore this is very clear for me.


Well the GPU is already recognized otherwise you would have no picture. Hihi. But it seems that from 3D everything goes into the grits. Mine then went into 1024xXXX mode. It was a great experience.


I would first exchange all drivers for reference drivers

And… Have you given the graphics card the extra power connection as well as the CPU? I lost that in a hurry




Is recognized, but not 3d correctly. No idea I'm going to mediamarkt today.


So, you only have a 14-day right of withdrawal online.

But you always have a 2 year warranty (not a guarantee). It must not break after 3 days.


They have the right to try twice before they have to give you your money.

So, it could also be repaired, get it again, still broken, and then do the whole thing again.


Phew xd.


From a purely legal point of view, you yourself have the choice between repair or replacement.
The retailer can, however, exclude the option if this would involve disproportionately high costs.

If they have the graphics card in stock, nothing should stand in the way.

But being right and being right are known to be different things.


Well, you can then no longer sell the card, so the cost of an exchange would be 400 euro.
This is disproportionate compared to a repair for 50 euro.


Yes and? One invokes rights in the event of a defect.

You can choose between the removal of the defect or the delivery of a defect-free item.