Will Endgame game mode return to Fortnite?


So this question is mainly for the gamers or those who really like playing Fortnite and other games. Do you think the "Endgame Mode" will return to Fortnite or will it return to Fortnite? Because I found the LTM already pretty cool and have also celebrated him extremely, but it would be just a shame if Epic Games would take him out forever…

And does anyone know what's coming out for interesting or pretty cool limited-time fashions?

Does anyone know about it?

LG and thank you in advance!


Endgame mode will never return. This was a unique collaboration between Epic Games and Marvel. The same goes for the skins, dances, etc. Everything of Marvel is gone forever. Nobody knows which LTMs will come in the future, because Epic Games keeps that secret.


Is not that mostly in the data files?


Something is not in the Game Files. In the game files are only skins, dances, events, etc. LTMs come at the last moment in the game files. And a few minutes later it's already in the game. You can't predict it.

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