Nintendo Switch connoisseurs here? It is about the delay of the Pro controller?


For example, if I Fortnite games and I turn to the right or left, dan it takes the switch until about 0.5sec later true. Is it possible to shorten this delay or is that the case with the switch? My little brother with whom I often play has a ps4 and if he pushes the stick just to the left or right then he also turns IMMEDIATELY in the game to the left or right.

Someone here who knows and knows about the whole thing?


The Fortnite is a game with Internet connection and the Nintendo Switch does not have the best connection, it will not lie on the Nintendo Pro controller, but on the wireless and or the server connection at Nintendo.


But my brother and I warn in the same Wi-Fi, he has taken his ps4 to me, and that's where I've tested


1 WLAN always consists of two devices (router and computer / console), the transmission is only as good as the worst WLAN.

2 Nintendo's Internet connection / server is worse than the competition.

In many games there are leggs when playing online (Super Mario Kart, Super Mario Party and and)


The problem has been solved by switching the TV mode to play mode. What that had to do with it has no idea but now it works.