What does everyone have against Fortnite or their players?
Everyone? I have nothing against it, I honestly don't care at all because I don't deal with it.
I've been playing the game for about 2 months (I never played it before) and I have to say that the game is fun. It's especially fun for two…
… Until the sweaters come. 10 edits per second, only legendary weapons in the inventory and then you are 100% out of the game. It also takes away some of the joy of the game when people don't just play the game because of the fun factor, they just sweat. And they spend 1000 euro on vBucks ^^
The fan base and epic games themselves are the problem, not Fortnite itself.
I think that Epic Games is to blame. I've been playing since Season 1 and today, but not as often. The reason for this is:
Fortnite does not release enough limited modes (e.g. Floor is Lava)
Too few new weapons or locations (previously there was 1 new weapon or location every week)
It gets boring in the long run: Generally too little content where you could have fun.
Epic Games doesn't listen to the community: e.g. Robots, nobody wanted them, but were inside forever.
Player: nobody understands more fun, mostly only 9 year olds.
But there are certainly many more reasons…
I think it's funny how "the sweaters" are always to blame.
Well, if that's the way it is… I don't want to have a click speed of 10 per second in Fortnite, but I play the game because I enjoy it.