Why does everyone think that if you're young, it's childish too?


First of all sorry for the title had to keep it short… Me m13 noticed that adults and young people (16+) often think that if you are young that you are also childish and naive? I think I'm very grown up for my age and can understand a bit why you think of the above… It also excites me when kids from my class scream 'Fortnite' while doing Fortnite dances, but why do the older guys compare us like that? Not everyone is so childish! Sometimes I feel that people are dividing it into "child is child" and "adult is adult" I think that one should not do it that way. Personally, I get along much better with mature people and I often notice how different I'm from my class. Or in class, they scream a lot around when they say to them they should be quiet they come up with stupid arguments, for example Selber!

And that's why it's very hard for me and a couple of other mature from the class because, as I said, everyone compares to the other… EDIT Of course I have to say each of us is a bit childish and what I forgot to say I was before 1-2 years itself as the other LG Gabriel


So first: Frontnite or Fortnite? The latter would mean "14 days"?

In any case, you already say why that is so: many behave like that. And why? Because they can. Because they are in a group that promotes that, so that inhibitions that they would only have among adults fall or are ignored. And not everyone is like that. Often, adults live this phase long after puberty (Midlife Crisis).

There are certainly serious young people your age, but not in your immediate area apparently. Search online! When you find like-minded people, you immediately feel a little better because you know that you are not alone, only in your class / school exceptions. Greta Thunberg shows that young people also deal with serious issues; which may not have thought directly at 16 for the first time on the topic of climate.


It's not okay for people to generalize. I think the older ones do that because they have no relation to this age anymore and do not personally know anyone of that age who is not naïve. They do not remember that not all are naive and childish and that there are people who use their heads. But those who do not do that will notice more.

My little brother was just like you. From an early age he started to have his own opinion, to think, to talk to adults and to deal with topics. I can't remember that I ever thought he was childish, but at the same time he was not smart. He was just mentally farther than some 18 year olds that I knew.

But it is true, I have also observed that strangers sometimes treat him not as a person, but only as a child. But as soon as they knew him better, that was not so.


I just feel like I've read my own thoughts from a few years back. Yes, unfortunately, almost all people like to put everyone in a drawer right away. Often that's easier, but of course that does not mean it's right. Unfortunately, many do not think about it and it is exhausting to be one of the few who does it and sometimes even thinks outside the box. You can be proud of yourself for being so ready for your age. For me, Leite also gets to know me and then has a much "grown-up" picture of me than before. You just have to dare to approach the others. Maybe you'll always look weird if you're the youngest in the group but honestly, who cares? You should feel well and with time you will also learn to worry less about the stupidity of others


Very nice answer ^^


Also a very good answer but I have to confess that I have made a Greta thunberg "How dare you" sticker


Thanks for this answer! ^^

But I also have to say I'm 13 in sixth grade (one year late)

The biggest problem is I was like the others 1-2 years ago and that's why "hate me" the older ones like any other Kieddie


Hm that is of course bad but I would not stress. You can also try to meet new people in sports or elsewhere. Or you try it again with the older ones. You will surely find whom.