Friend too childish? Do you need your opinion?


My friend is 21 years old and he was single for 7 years before he met me. In the time he was very busy with consoles and mobile games etc. Well, he did not quite grasp it, although he keeps promising to get it under control. However, I always notice that he totally depends on these mobile games etc. (Fortnite, gta, pokemon go and and and…) Well, now the problem is that he sometimes comes across as very childish for me and that he has a lot of contact with 14 through these games has year old children. When I told him that I find it very strange and I do not like that, he just nodded pissed off. He also always talks to them by headset and then sounds like a 14-year-old and not as an adult man. Sure, I do not want to tell him who he's supposed to be in contact with, but he does not look like a man for me anymore. He also prefers to go to his little brother (14) and play any games, instead of finally looking for applications for an education. Sometimes he is so absorbed in the games and sometimes talks about nothing else. He's also so focused on gta buying new cars or whatever, and that sometimes comes across as if he's completely in the game. It pisses me off so much that it affects me like a toddler that you constantly have to pull away from the console. I would like to pick up the opinion of a few outside and maybe you have any tips on how I can bring my friend back to reality, that he finally understands that.


Single for 7 years… So no matter what he had at the age of 14, it's not a serious relationship.

Well, he's still childish and he lacks maturity. That's his thing. Whether you can live with that is your decision. Why are not you looking for a more mature one, instead of trying to bend your boyfriend until it suits you?

If he is a gambling addict, he can only help himself, you can't force him.


I have a question: Why did you enter into a relationship with him?

To your question: This seems to be a computer game dependency. This is an officially recognized disease and is one of the non-substance addictions.

In short, if he does not want to be helped, you can't do anything.
If he realizes that he needs help, then maybe here is a first starting point:


When I entered into the relationship with him, he did not show himself in front of me. I realized later how much he hangs on computer games


Yes, addicts do that.


I can understand you very well, that annoys you. Most guys do this and eventually realize that other things are more important. Your friend does not seem to have had this "click" moment. You should not wait for that. If that bothers you then speak clearly and clearly explain the consequences to him (whatever that may be for you: distance, less understanding etc) but also offer him "help". Does he like parlor games? Bring a new one together. Distraction is often the best medicine.


In your place, I would part with it. Of course that hurts pretty much, but the way you describe it here, it really sounds like a 14-year-old. Of course you can play with 21 computers or mobile games, but in moderation. He should be there for you, hugging you instead of telling you about his purchases at gta or his progress at fortnite.


I always try to distract him but in the end he still has his cell phone in his hand and plays something or watches Youtube videos.


Then ask him directly "what is more important to you now, me or your mobile?" Then maybe you know more. Pull yourself back then really - he should remember that and then do something for the relationship.


Erm that's funny. His friend talks to 14-year-old at gta gambling? Unbelievable. Unfortunately, I only see 9 year olds always picking one off.


Nonsense. Each relationship is different. Some just do not bother, but talk about games.


Yes, if both are ticking, that's okay. But when one partner feels neglected and the other partner plays games about him and the relationship, things go wrong!


And what if the man feels neglected?


In that case? Should the woman sit down and play with him instead of doing her job? Should both live by Hartz IV? No! She does not do anything wrong! She lives a life the way an adult should live, not like him, who plays games about relationships and jobs.




You do not know: If you announce someone at Fortnite, there's who is the madness? You are amazing!


No I do not know. Because I'm one who lives his life rather than gambling it.