Inexpensive gaming PC with good quality?


I, female (14) like to play fortnite. I have a cheap Lenovo PC that is often lying down and always playing at 30fps to avoid this. In addition, my quality is on the lowest level and I often strive to recognize something. So I want to ask:

where can I buy a good gaming PC? It should be as cheap as possible, but it should give me good quality. How many GB do I need most?

maybe this will be an expensive Christmas wish 😂


Define cheaply as possible. Under 600?



There are good WEBSITES where you can create a PC yourself.

It's cheaper if you build your own!

(There are many tutorials on the internet)

You can also check out HP for gaming PCs. They're actually quite good and cheap if you don't want to put one together!

Hope I could help.


I could recommend the PCs on

But for a reasonably decent gaming PC, I wouldn't go under the hardware rating of 600 or better 700. The more expensive the better.

If necessary, the old hard disk can also be installed in the new computer for more hard disk space. But you should format it so that it is empty and there are no complications.


1400 euro do it yourself. Is really easy:


No. First master the spelling.


I'm sorry. I'm in a hurry.


Under 600. Preferably under 500… Unfortunately, they are not that rich.


Probably a finished PC right? Then take a look at Dubaro.


I feel "hurry"


Thanks a lot! Do you think that you can turn a blind eye to a hardware type of 400? I can't pay the rest.


Only the 500 series has a real, dedicated graphics card installed.
The 400 only uses the graphics card from the processor. This is of course not as bad with a 3400G as with many others, but it is also not as good as a real graphics card.


All right.


I hope you realize that I just told you the benefit of the two PCs. But the recommendation remains with the 600. The 700 already looks better on its own.


Under 500 is too little for a decent one


The price / performance ratio of HP PCs is actually pretty bad. Basically, the price-performance ratio is never good for finished PCs, but HP is one of the worst providers, and not just in terms of price.