How can Fortnite esporters deal with the new session so quickly, with Session 6 I can't handle the new weapons. How do they do it?


How can Fortnite esports players deal with the new session so quickly, with Session 6 I can't handle the new weapons. How do they do that?!


First of all it's called the season. Secondly, the weapons remain largely the same, and the esports people do (almost) nothing other than focus on the games and then play this game (almost) all day long.


Experience. When you're pretty good at something, it's easier to learn to change, etc. It is likely that your performance will suffer as well. But even then you are still better than the average player or the players who are slightly better than the average.

That's why it can seem like the esports people can handle it very well. Because, as a not so good player, you may not be able to see the nuances.

You can also differentiate between playing and training.

With the latter, I can imagine that an esportsman can simply take a look at the new weapons and practice handling each one and see how they work and what the limits of the weapon are.


Play - play a lot.


I watched the video, maybe it will help you


I watched the video, maybe it will help you