Discord and Google does not work but Downloads and OnlineGames?


Moin, ask for a buddy.

My friend got his fiber connection a few weeks ago. Everything was ok.

A few days later he has the problem that although he can open Discord, Google and TS with his PC, but can't play online games like GTA, Fortnite or Overwatch. For example, if he joins GTA Online, he can play for a few minutes, but then gets kicked out immediately. If he wants to download the new update from Overwatch then it stands there all the time in the Blizzard Launcher: "Data Indexes are retrieved", but nothing happens. He also can't make downloads. He is also niche especially in other devices noticed, so it seems to be only on the PC. Does anyone have any idea what that could be? Would be glad about an answer


I once had the same problem.

For me it was so I got fiber and after 24 hours I was konplett down, except for google and YT (144p wait = infinite).

For me, the problem could be solved as follows:

Shut down PC

Fritz! Box (or the router that you have then) stake out + rest infrastructure (such as AP's or switches) shut down

After turning everything on again etc.

Then I had in the Fritzbox still delete the error memory (if it was not deleted by unplugging) then I mjsste the devices reconnect.

In addition, I set DNS1 and DNS2 in the Fritzbox on and to not have to use my provider Telekom.

In addition, then demand for the telecom with me at least a "temporary disturbance" was present due to the conversion of the connections in my area of Kuofer on fiber


Okay, I'll forward it, thanks ^^