When do I get my fortnite creator code?


I had once applied for a creator code but did not have 1000 followers but only 800 after three days Epic Games wrote to me that I did not have enough followers then I waited two weeks and had 1100 followers now I applied again and they didn't write back to me after 2 and a half weeks I tried again because I was afraid that the message was somewhere or did not arrive Now after a day at least the robot informed me if there was anything new I know


I also tried it sometimes not successful because I didn't have the right content on my channel, which was kind of funny, but I think I would write to the support again or try it with a 2 Fortnite account


I'll wait a week or 2 to see if they write me back and what's funny if I ask you a question like that and it's not about creator code, don't answer me anymore


Yes, they have overlooked so many inquiries that determine which, as I said, try another Fortnite account