Do you still play Fortnite? - 3


I know the game is out of the hype long ago, but I still play it every now and then (partly because I spent 200 euro on it๐Ÿ˜…), but now I don't spend any more money on it. But I also know some who demonize the game at once, for whatever reason. Do you still play it or have you never played it anyway?


I've never touched the "game" and never will.

Have a good time


I don't play the game anymore. Started playing 2 weeks after the release. I'm sort of an old gangster. I hadn't played Season X, but I played the new chapter in the corona lockdown. I just don't celebrate the game anymore, way too much has been changed. It's not the same as it used to be. If Epic-Games would do everything the way it used to be, that is, original like it used to be, all graphics, maps, etc., then I would play the game again, I just miss those great times


Very, very, very rare. Every 3 months or so. It used to be great, but has changed a lot.


I deleted the game because I had no memory, I started in season 2 and ended in season 3 chapter 2


I still think it's cool, especially since this season because I'm a huge Marvel fan.


Why the quotes? It's a game.