Hi, I recently bought a Captiva Gaming PC. I wanted to ask if I could play Fortnite smoothly with this PC
Yes, in a medium to high setting.
Uff maybe on medium but otherwise I can't recommend any finished pc's, rather build your own besides, these are not exactly the best components and if you want to get a pc just because of fortnite then you'd better get a console
I would recommend you to create a PC yourself. There are a lot of Youtubers who show you how to create your own PC from 200 euro. And the PCs would also be more powerful than those from Media Markt. You can have the PC that you do not want to build yourself built by the dealer.
For the price, you get something much better even at Mediamarkt:
(If still not a good offer)
Or the:
The above in brackets also applies to the.
Or the:
(approx. Same level as the other linked ones)
Attention, the 1st is without an operating system.