Cheap PCs from 1000-1500?


I want to get myself a PC and have now saved up the necessary change. I have absolutely no plan for PCs and I wanted to explore here because my only technical device so far was a cell phone. With the PC I want to play GTA, Fortnite and Valorant in good resolution. Can somebody help me? I look forward to your answer.


What is your exact budget? And want to buy a finished one or assemble one yourself?


With this you would definitely have enough power for the next 5 years:


Maximum 1500 euro and actually prefer a finished PC


For 1500 I would definitely put one together myself, with finished Pcs you always have weird mainboards in there, wherever something is bad and no original mainboards that you can buy, there are mostly OEM mainboards with disadvantages, as well as the remaining parts like RAM mostly is inferior. Take a close look and get advice on site. Have a PC assembled from the store / shop, then nothing can go wrong instead of buying such overpriced ready-made PCS.


What is a "good resolution" for you? The resolution also depends on the ideal monitor, which in turn depends on the distance between the seats.
So in general I can recommend the PC to you here:

For the price, it's a really solid system. You can't go wrong with that.


Yeah, buy it from hardwarerat because it hardly costs more and the PCs are exactly as you would build them yourself if you know what you are doing or build yourself.


What kind of hardware advice you can put together your PC in every shop that is serious.


Yes, or you can buy it here: and save yourself the work


If you want to save, look here and not at hardware advice, this is 10 times better because you can compare all parts and most of the shops there offer pc assembly.