Fortnite registration for 2Fa?


I have a question about fortnite if I want to register Damir I can get 2Fa is at the registration, your registration data are invalid, I have already changed my password and entered my name correctly but it is always there because it is invalid registration data are who can help me


If this is a possibility you could try using your email instead of your name to the Fortnite account or the platform (e.g. Steam) on which you registered the game when logging in.

Otherwise you could try the support on which page are you trying to register?


I try to register on the homepage of Epic Games support I have already done it always comes the same email (already prepared emails) I try it with the email thanks


Where does the message or the text "already prepared mails" come from? If it was from an email what was in there so it was about support?


So I tried the same thing half a year ago and then I got the same email as today


So you are trying to register here correctly: ( . And go to Sign In and what then? So sign up with email or some other way I mean?

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