Enable Fortnite 2FA?

- in Account

Moin, you all probably already know what 2FA is (two factor authentication), I want to do that on my second account now, the thing is, the second account is on an email that I only created for this second account

So I tried to log into epic games with my second account, but I don't know the password anymore…

What should I do now? I would need 2FA by noon tomorrow…

If I change the password, I can no longer log into the e-mail account…


What do you not know the password for? With the e-mail or the 2 ACC? And why do you need that? You can live without it unless you want to play areana in competitions.


Activate password reset and 2fa with mobile phone number or gmail.


Participate in tournaments and give things away, and then I get boogie down (noskinaccount)

Needed the password for the EpicGames account

but I already made it, thank you


Great that you made it, but for information on competitions you can only participate if you are in the contender league, so competitions for skins etc.


Yes, I'm already


Anyway, thank you🙏


Please just let me know if you have any questions.

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