Why do so many people swim with trends?


Hejo again a slightly different question. Why do so many young people swim with the trends, is it just a matter of attention or have they really been behind the trends since birth?

I also never understood these challenges where you previously had to swallow detergent bottles and much more so much garbage or, for example. The game Fortnite that is a game that can't do anything or does not develop anything independently, which has everything copied from Pubg but doesn't get anything itself, nowadays you don't have to deliver any quality, but just something and just somehow create with a lot of money in the Buying charts before the hype begins?


Probably because they just want to be part of it.


People's desire to belong is strong. He likes to let us do things that are actually not that important to us.

Few of them want to face all of life's challenges alone.

Only dead fish go with the flow.


Every few years there's a major tragedy that attracts media attention because, in an emergency, many people were there, but none was willing to help. This is called collective apathy.

People imitate other people, which makes them more sympathetic to each other. This has been confirmed in psychological tests.

Election predictions influence the election. Maybe because everyone wants to belong to the "winning" majority.

Children (unconsciously) imitate their parents. This is how they learn and become more and more like their parents.

Goethe put it a little harder: "What is the majority? The majority is nonsense. Only a few have reason."


Just 3 years ago, every lady who had even the slightest curly hair was leprous or the other way around.
Everyone else knows that everyone opens their eyes. This is the pure panic of not being one of them.


Panting after the influentials and the like all day long and wondering if everyone has the same clothes, looks similar, etc.