What are the latest trends in the internet and is there anybody who likes z.b. Say on Youtube when a trend brews together?


Is there a Youtuber or an internet site where the current trend and the trends of the past are displayed?

I still remember z.b.

Pokemon Go, Fidget Spinner, Fortnite…

I have only such a rough overview but would be nice if there's a page for it reports of it…




Is there a couple of info what that is exactly?


Go to Insta and subscribe to countless meme pages like Streetdanker, Memes Brothers, Lautememes, and so on.


These are people who always buy the latest Supreme, Adidas, Nike, LV, off-white clothes, and generally always the clothes or style that is currently in vogue.


Always check the YouTube trends. If there are many things going on a topic, then it is probably in the trend.


I actually meant a kind announcement when a big trend brews together where then everyone in your circle then join in…

When Fortnite started to move around, many had a permanent question: "Are you going to stop?" (and 18 year old colleagues) who hope to play the Fortnite with them…

Have not tried it today and I will not!

I'm not interested in whether the latest Adidas shoes are the latest craze but if something big brews together like Tidepod challange, Fire Chantange, Fidet Spinner, Fortnite, etc. (Where just felt almost every one of them)


Do you mean how that "May Kevin play with me?"