Is that normal that I hate every trend?



Is that normal that I hate any trend / hype?

e.g. As Fortnite I hated this game when it was still so trendy, now I play it myself.

I always see this picture of millions of people who look like zombies and follow every trend…

Why is that so?

Why do I hate trends?

Am I crazy?


You realize that you're just asking whether it's normal to hate normalcy, right?

Greeting Than


I do not hate these trends now, but I do not take them with me, because that has always been too stupid for me. You are not alone with your aversion to trends. ^^


Yes, I asked… (as you can see)


Hmm. No, I do not think so. If most people hated trends, they would not be trends.


Normally I'm the age of a 'trend-junky', just kinda different?! : / I can't say more…


There are different perceptions.

Some like trends because they want to get excited and try something out.

The others like trends because they can feel part of a group (of fans or people doing this activity).

And some of them do not like trends because they feel that something is being artificially hyped, so one is told that you have to like this and that. If it's yours, it's no shame. Maybe you like the trend later, when it's not that popular anymore, or you've been into the topic before.

Also, thinking about "why I do not like trends" suggests that many people should like the same thing at the same time. It is not so. This is usually medial, either targeted or by chance of enthusiastic users, very hyped and then want to try many, about what felt "all" talk. If you do not, because he knows exactly what interests him and that the trend is over in a couple of months, he has not missed anything if he does it consciously. Anyone who leaves that out of defiance should consider that one can also happen to like something that is currently in vogue without blindly entering the market for the marketers!


As I said the example:

Never hated the game Fortnite, only the trend / hype excited me!

Since the hype is currently decreasing, I also feel like playing Fortnite again.

Is very funny…


Of course you are different. "Everyone" likes trends, you do not. With that you are de facto different.

But do not worry, that's not bad.


That is very stupid indeed.

I do not care if something is trendy or not.

Either I think it's good or not.

I'm not going to stop wearing concert shirts because it's in. But I'm sure I'll wear them when they're out again.

You do not play Fortnite because the company pays and treats its employees.


It may also be normal to wish that you have a hobby all by yourself, out of self-interest, not because that is what "everyone" is doing. That's nothing bad! You want to be an individual.