Own brother bullies me?


I'm (m, 15) and live with my family in a normal apartment.

I have normal hobbies (anime, sports, music, drawing) but I have a huge problem.

My brother (soon to be 18) harasses me, insults me and keeps calling me gay. I'm not gay or something and I have nothing against gays but it annoys me. In addition, he keeps beating me on the arm, etc. I tell him to stop but then he beats me again. He insults me from day to day and doesn't stop. Sometimes I think he has ADHD because he does it every day. In part he has (confirmed aggression problems) he sometimes completely freaks out, which annoys me, my mother and my father. I no longer see him as a brother and he has often hurt my mother (hurt in the sense of soul) He is unemployed and only gambles Ps4 all day. And whenever I'm near him he insults me. I hate him to be honest. Then once he forced me to play Fortnite for him because he didn't feel like it and was bad (he played with friends and didn't want them to know that he was bad). When I died he hit me on the arm 3 times and completely screamed at me. He told me "if you play Fortnite again I will tell you about your neck".

As I said it annoys me and the blows hurt too. My mother once sent him to the doctor, but he said that he had no illness. It's been insulting and beating every day for two years. He also gambles from 8:00 p.m. To 5:00 a.m. And then sleeps all day until 6:00 p.m., then eats something and gambles again. And that every day

Can someone please help me what I can do in this situation?

I don't know what to do next


First, you could train martial arts. Maybe you will soon be the stronger of the two of you. Second, you could get a pepper spray and use it if necessary.


Apparently he has inferiority complexes or something. Either your parents should send him to a proper therapy (possibly even together with you so that you can tell the therapist what he is doing to you).

Or sign up for martial arts, do fitness training. And if he makes you stupid again and hits you, he'll miss the beating of his life. If he just crouches in front of the console all the time, he certainly doesn't have much on it. 1 year of training, then until 16 and you beat him to a pulp.


So as far as your parents and you agree, I would throw him out of the apartment very easily.

You go to the youth welfare office or even to the police because of physical and mental abuse.

What he does includes insults, assault, and coercion.

So I would say if you, your mother and father all agree.

Would you talk to him one day, say that it can't go on like this and that he has to change and maybe send him to the psychotherapist and that together. Otherwise he will be kicked out.

But if your parents are not like that, I would advise you to report your brother, go to the youth welfare office yourself and ask if you can live in assisted living and if you can move out

And in addition, what he does is violation of those who are protected


Yes thank you i😩


Haha the answer miraculously reflects this saying: "Don't worry if you smile at the world, it'll smile back too."


Karma regulates everything.


Nothing to thank, I'm a professional or at least a social worker soon.

And I used to have a difficult social environment myself. And my brother was also a vomit and yes I would like to work with young people on which my training point is.

Don't cry otherwise if you need it I'll send you the number of the soul care

We have the same hobbies ^^


Aha. Well, if you're so sure about that πŸ€·β™€οΈ


Thank you for your answer πŸ˜•


Bruh did not mean that badly, but agreed to itπŸ₯Ί


πŸ₯ΊβœŒπŸΌ everything in peace sis


Everything πŸ€ŸπŸ™Œ


Contact family help. They are very well trained in such situations.

To be honest, even if it is very difficult to report someone from your own family, you have to report him because of physical injury, coercion and insult, because such procedures are often very healing.

Maybe you can also consider a supervised residential group for your brother. In any case, it must be stopped, otherwise it will get worse and more unbearable for you and your parents.

Shame in front of other people and to continue to put up with something like that is the wrong way!


Pepper spray?


Something like this
