Reset fortnite payment?


My 6 year old brother has bought fortnite a packed for 100 euro over paypal from my father bought his cell phone (my brother fingerprint is stored in the cell phone of my dad and yes he bought it then) because 100 euro is very much money I wanted to ask if you can reset that?

(why I freage for my father: - there's no Christmas present for my brother AND MIGHT

and my dad does not have that high lodn

I apologize for spelling mistakes (I'm net that he should give me a duden or something)


Since it was your brother you should be able to refund it but since your dad made the mistake to leave it so open ihc think that's just a try.


Your dad can undo this "illegal business".

That he allows the fingerprint of the son as identification, is grossly negligent.


Man can refund it.

Fortnite payment method? ca camelbrand