When I'm in voice chats like Discord, MW Spielchat or Fortnite Spielchat there are unstable voices or my mates can't hear me for a moment (besides my nickname there are no sound waves coming from the loudspeaker). But the funny thing is when I switch on my audio devices to hear me twice, I can hear myself continuously but at the same time these dropouts / lags remain in the voice chats. Why is that and how can I fix it?
Did you set the mic wrong? Cables everything right? Also in the game or where you want it set correctly?
I think that when I turn on the function with double listening, I hear myself perfectly and in the games it just doesn't clap in some moments
Then it can be because of the game, I have the same thing.
Yes, I thought so too, but I have that myself in discord
What even in Discord what do you mean?
Well, suddenly you don't hear me or when I'm talking e.g. A syllable is suddenly missing