Stream on Music & Videos and Stream on Gaming?


I have in my contract with Telekom stream on Music & Videos and Stream on Gaming.

Stream on Music & Videos:

For example, a parter of this is Twitch… Does that mean that I can watch streamers on Twitch without consuming any data?

-Can you stream yourself without consuming anything?

Stream on Gaming:

That will probably mean that I do not spend any data volume while playing Fortnite games, for example… Right?

Sorry for the vllt stupid question but I find in the network and on the telecom side not enough info.


To answer your two questions briefly: yes and yes.

StreamOn eliminates the data volume of the participating partners.

So you can watch Twitch around the clock or host it yourself, and you can play Fortnite around the clock without using your data volume from the contract.

So you can use your data volume for other things.

Greeting Marco K.