Miss the 90s and 2000s?


At the moment I'm more and more occupied with the thought that everything beautiful that was back then is gone today. It was really great to experience his youth in the first 2000s. There was the skater culture, the people were more open, in music, games etc. Magic was in it and when it comes to today's games, everything is just as modern and gesbeklflscht. I used to like watching the Tony Hawk series and nowadays the kids are growing up with colorful Fortnite.

I can give you this example of music:

Does anyone have similar views?


Me too. Somehow, everything has become a monotone. The same music is constantly playing on the radio, and many youth subcultures (emos, punks, skaters, etc.) are also almost gone. Yes, I really miss the 90s and 2000s.

PS: I'm also a grain fan.


Right subcultures have completely disappeared.


Which subcultures are you talking about exactly?


The ones you've told me are already correct. Could add goth and hippie, is today no trace of it. Everyone depends on the other.


Well, as far as the Goths are concerned, there are still some (see Mera Luna or Wave Gothic Meetings). But there's quite a decline in all the subcultures left today. The young people of today rather adapt to not being marginalized, which I can understand. But yes, the hippies were more a phenomenon of their time, the 60s and 70s.


I partly do that, but then I help in that I play music from the time (I live musically anyway in the 80s / 90s) and maybe even a lap in my old Mercedes, which dates from the 90s, turn.

This is absolutely normal, such a slight melancholy, and neither to "treat" nor a cause for concern, quite the opposite: all half so bad! One should only try that such thoughts do not gain the upper hand and the 90s can separate from the present.

I'm also a 90's kid, it was just a carefree time and we were able to grow up really well, it was all so consistent, so "normal" easy, that's not so evident anymore today. But every time has its good, I always say.


I'm a child of the 90s and I will never forget this time. It was just childhood and it is known to be the most beautiful and carefree time of life. And she is formative. I still love this dance floor of the '90s that the US copied a few years ago because they did not get it on their own. But in other respects I also like to think back to this time and I miss it too I admit.

But many people, who grew up in former times, find the genre of the 90s awful. Everything just a question of coinage. My dad used to tell me a long time ago that I would eventually get tired of this music (he was a lover of classical music), but he was wrong. I belong to the generation that moth their rollator in the old people's home, race with them and grow fat bass boxes to make the hearing aid teeter with techno music.

But I have to say that I hardly miss my youth, from the 2000s onwards. So the time was quite nice, but from then on, the digitality was more and more. The kids / teens spent more and more time at home on the game console, PC or mobile phone.

I was just lucky that most of my childhood took place in the fresh air. Computer and Sega were a highlight with friends that was enjoyed. Today it is normality. And that's what makes me happy, not being born later. Rather, it would not have been too bad:-)


The music of the 90 ziger I find almost one of the best! I'm also such a person, later listening to the music of the Stones, AC DC, Janis Joplin, Jonny Hendrix, listening to the protest songs of John Lennon…

Fortnite 90s laggy? Te Textbook