How should I react, how should I distract myself?


My friend officially broke up on Thursday. Reason: I played Fortnite with an unknown player from Spain. (Yes he is very jealous). After he saw that, he wrote to me 'Die with him, you're just lying to me anyway, I wish I'd never met you' and then he blocked me.

On Saturday I could not stand it so a friend of mine created a Whatsapp group and added me and my ex. I explained everything there nicely that I did not know this player. He only geaddet me and we had only played a round with OTHER PLAYER even to that I did not know. But he said, 'Piss off to him, leave me'. And then he left the group.

Since then, I have not reported any more to him since that sentence, and neither did he. Yes, the reason is embarrassing because no one does that but what the hell I can't change anything now.

My concern is that he really never returns. After a dispute, we immediately contacted each other after one day and now he blocks me permanently. Although it is a Scheisss action of him, I love this man because he always gave me motivation, respected me and and and. I can say a lot very positive about him so please do not come with 'He never loved you anyway, he was looking for an unnecessary reason, …'.

Before he saw that, he told me how much he loves me.

I miss him a lot, I want him back, but what should I do? I think of him every night and fall asleep with tears in my eyes. I hope every second that I see his profile picture on whatsapp but nothing comes. I try to finish but it does not work, all the memories come up, I want to feel its closeness.

He actually thinks that I have contact with the guy from Spain, even though I know him 0. I can't even speak Spanish. I did not even have the chance to explain what's going on

Is he maybe mad at me now? Will he unblock me soon? Does he still love me? I keep asking myself.

(He is 19 years old)


My first thought - if he just relies on you to play with a guy a few thousand miles away, your ex really has a big problem.

He was probably generally very controlling and jealous.

You can be happy to let him go


Even if you do not want to hear it, I think he was just looking for some tiny little reason to finish. Otherwise he would have talked with himself, or realized that it is super illogical to leave someone because of such a thing


But I know he is very sensitive. I think it hit him hard and got it wrong


But if you feel hurt because of something, then you do not block the cause everywhere, but try to be comforted or to seek an explanation for the whole


Who does not want you did not deserve you.

His reaction is stupid and only shows his immaturity. He did not love you, he saw you as his possession. Today it is a stranger with whom you may not have contact - who or what is next? Your girlfriends? You probably will not have any more male friends (may?). Classmates / work colleagues? When do you get a beating for the first time?

And now do not say that never does. You would not be the first.


Yes, he forbade me to contact other guys, he did not even tell my cousin my name because he was afraid that his cousin would write me somewhere 🙂


I thought so. If he answers again and asks for one last pronunciation, do not go. I once knew a girl who was persuaded to do so. A walker found in a parking lot the car with the 2 dead. Shot.