My family is addicted to Fortnite?


Every evening, here's the problem:

My little brother has recently skipped school to play "Fortnite" on the PC. My mother had to make transfers that day and caught him and of course sent to school, but not without him before holding a stand-up chatter through which I became aware of the situation.

I drove to work about half an hour later. When I came home in the evening, my mother was still sitting at the PC, which did not seem strange to me. Since she was very busy there was unfortunately nothing to eat warm that evening, that was a bit strange, because she usually cooks for us, even if she is actually busy.

The next morning, when I was having breakfast, she came out of the study, completely exhausted, sat down at the table without a word, ate a little, nodding again and again, and then went into the bedroom. I then went into the study to see what she was working so hard on, and it turned out that she had been playing "Fortnite" all night long.

Of course I approached her in the evening and she said that she thought the game was "very funny". The next night she spent again on the PC. I have brought her something to eat until about 4 o'clock (it was on the weekend), but she did not really react.

This went on for 2-3 days, meanwhile it even plays against my brother (who plays from the phone) and if she wins against him (which is not that rare) she keeps him under his nose for hours.

She was back playing earlier this morning, after breakfast this morning, and I decided to do something about it. So I'm down in the basement and have made the fuse in the study. When I came back up, my mother just sat there staring at the black screen.

She has been sitting here for 2 hours now and does not respond when I speak to her, what should I do now?


The easiest way to awaken people from a fortnite rigidity is to put honey on their cheeks, but be careful when they notice it, they may want to hit you


I would like such a mother. My cooks not synonymous, yells for me every day. Manic is depressive and torments me mentally.


You seem to be reasonable. At some point, your mother will "wake up" from her rigidity. Discuss with her the threatening if not already existing gambling addiction and the negative consequences.

Stay calm and factual
try - without blame
Ask questions such as: What behavior should the little brother learn when the mother is already dependent?
What sense does it make to hold the little brother a punk, if you do not even better?
Ask your mother: How important is self-discipline and how can you learn this?
just point out which disadvantages arise, up to…
Make yourself smart with everything that belongs to the topic of discipline (= important building block for success in life) and how to learn it

And then, if there's insight, then discuss the regular tasks of the day and who takes over what of these tasks. Suggest activities for leisure that you could all do together.


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