Do I have a gambling addiction (Fortnite)?


Are you addicted to games if you play for several hours a day?

My parents think I'm addicted because I play more than 6 hours a day

I often meet up with friends and I seem to be addicted to games


I can understand that your parents are worried about the amount of play.


If you can't do without and / or think about it for a long time, you are addicted


In theory, you also have an addiction if you play 1 hour a day, since it goes without saying for you and you are therefore "dependent".


My parents say I'm addicted at 1 hour once a week. Discussing does not help parents either.

The case of 6 hours for you is also a gambling addiction for me. Because if you can get along without it, you can also sit at the computer less often, right?


Do not be intimidated, neither by your parents nor by all the pseudo-doctors here. Only you or a doctor can decide whether you are addicted to gambling. You need to know for yourself whether you could live without Fortnite or whether there are negative behavioral problems or symptoms for you if you do not play for 2-3 days. Parents react quickly when it comes to gambling addiction…