Gambling addiction?


I like to play M / 16 games very often. But lately I've noticed that I just can't take it anymore. Of course I take a break because you also need it, but these breaks are 1. Short and 2. Consist of YT, NF, TT etc.

the games i play:



Ghost of Tsushima


The breaks should look like this: netflix and go out


Get help and talk honestly about it. Otherwise it can end badly.


For me it definitely looks like a gambling addiction.

but it's good that you worry about it!

do something while you are still able


Just go for 20-30 minutes each time in the streets with lots of trees, or take a walk in nature. It may be that you are bored at the beginning, if you do this more often, you will see that you come up with many new ideas. If you realize some of them you will feel much happier.


I also had. I switched off my pc and took it off the power. Then put it in the original box (+ drying rack) in the basement. The first days were really hard, but after 1 week I didn't really want to play anything anymore, now I'm only playing occasionally. Mfg Moritz