Since 9 am I've been playing Fortnite with a few breaks, etc. I'm on vacation. Is it an addiction to gamble for 12 hours. What can I do against it?


Since 9 am I've been playing Fortnite with a few breaks, etc. I'm on vacation. Is it an addiction to gamble for 12 hours. What can I do against it?!


Stop playing this boring and overrated game.


Find something you like. Distract yourself a little. Watch a movie, study for school, play yoyo for general gaming. Play another game if it's up to Fortnite itself. Cheer up, everyone has a phase of addiction, whether from series or books.


If it's not an isolated case, then definitely. That's half the day that's going on. The best thing to do is to force yourself to turn off the console / PC and go out. Your body will thank you.

Perhaps seek professional help from a psychologist. That may be mocked these days, but it is the best medicine.

Maybe check out The Social Media Dilemma. That opened my eyes on some points. It's not really about gambling, but about the dependence on social media and the consequences.


I work and have vacation haha… Otherwise I also gamble so much when I'm at work etc!


OK. I'm on vacation that's why I gamble so much haha… And when I work then no more 12 hours…


Then that's okay. You just shouldn't get lost in it. Treat yourself, but then treat yourself to a break every now and then. Keep in balance.


Yo… I have to watch my sleep rhythm because I've been up until 4am or so for the last few days haha.

Suddenly no desire to gamble? Op OperaMonica373